1: Consultation
Our free consultations last 10-15 minutes (no referral required). This one-on-one time allows the doctor to determine if your condition is musculoskeletal in nature. If our specialty is found to be beneficial to your problem, a comprehensive exam will be scheduled.
2: Exam
This visit typically lasts 30 minutes. We begin with a thorough case history and functional exam to determine the root cause of your pain. This diagnosis allows us to establish your prognosis and lay out a treatment plan. It is our aim to include you in your care through communication and education. We are a team!
3: Treatment
We believe treatment must be safe, effective, and have lasting benefits. That is why we implement a Test, Treat, Retest system in order to confirm treatment is working. Our specialty in the treatment of overuse injuries allows us to get you out of pain efficiently and most importantly, long-term.
4: Case Management
Some conditions call for us to include other specialists or imaging. We work to coordinate this for you from start to finish in order to get you the best results. Whether you’re under our care or someone else’s, your recovery is our top priority.
do what
you love.